
Women’s Ministry
A fellowship for women to faithfully use their gifts to glorify God and to reach women in the community. This will be fulfilled by creating opportunities for women to discover their gifts and to be empowered to fulfill God’s purpose by the following: Ministry Activities, Conferences, Events, and Retreats. The desire is to encourage every woman in her journey with God.
Contact Kym Massenburg
nbchristainministry@outlook.com| Tel: 443-623-4464

Outreach Ministry
Within Christianity, evangelism ministry is any ministry whose chief aim is to win converts to Christ. Proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ or sharing the good news of salvation, this is exactly what Evangelism is. Evangelist evangelizes to the unsaved. The essence of God is with us and us in Him. As we evangelize, we are helping people to know Jesus more. Evangelism is Commanded by Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20). Today, we know this verse as the Great Commission. Jesus commands the twelve disciples and all Christians to act upon the Great Commission. The missions of the Church are anchored in this ultimate purpose—giving glory to God.
Contact Evangelist Felicia R. Mullins
nbchristainministry@outlook.com | Tel: 443-722-2020